Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Developing the Ideas

Even if we all wished to have more days in Vidrike, this is the last day of the project. Today is probably the busiest day because besides the final activities and evaluation we also have to pack!!! And this takes a lot of time, especially for girls.

One of the most productive activity today, which began two days ago when we began thinking of project ideas, was splitting into groups of people having the same or similar ideas. There was a lot of work, and everyone got so worked up with writing and designing their project.
Some of these project ideas were about unemployment, healthy lifestyle and eco farming, historical and cultural awareness, tolerance and multiculturalism and self motivation through art.
And last but not least, a very original idea for a youth exchange taken literally – that would create a new nation -> Estonokkia
Our last official activity consisted in meeting our secret friend(s)
and having a fabulous photo:
Hope to meet you all in the future and share our projects!

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